Thursday, June 30, 2011

All washed up

I'm unreasonably excited about the decision to use paper plates as much as possible until our new dishwasher is delivered. That's right, I'm excited about paper plates.

Don't be jealous of my fabulous life.

From time to time

I know the intricacies of the operation of a potty watch that came with a box of disposable underwear for the toddler set. I have awesome skills, I know.

Don't be jealous of my fabulous life.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Fear of pits

My daughter was frightened by my clumped-up deodorant. Perhaps I should switch to a clear variety.

Don't be jealous of my fabulous life.

I know and so does Santa

I know exactly how many days there are until Christmas, thanks to my son and this.

Don't be jealous of my fabulous life.

Liquor store with the kids

In honor of my husband's birthday, I took my kids to the liquor store. I HATE taking them with me for that particular errand, but they will like getting the lolly pop. NOTHING LIKE CANDY FROM A STRANGER IN A STORE FULL OF ALCOHOL.

Don't be jealous of my fabulous life.

Coffee is no laughing matter

So the kids were safely eating dinner (Pasta! Of course!) and I was putting the dishes away from the dishwasher. I was warming up an afternoon cup of coffee and decided that I would see how many I could get put away in a minute and 15 seconds...

Don't be jealous of my fabulous life.